Dual-Cure Composite for Core Build-Ups and Post Cementations
Optimized for placement in teeth that require core build-ups, with or without posts, prior to the prepping, impressioning, fabrication, and cementation of a crown.
Predicta® Bioactive Core is bioactive and releases calcium and phosphate ions and releases and recharges fluoride ions to stimulate mineral apatite formation and remineralization at the material-tooth interface.
- Dual-cure for unlimited depth of cure
- Zirconia added to improve the prepping experience
- Indicated for core build-ups and as a post cement
- Strong and stable support for crowns made of zirconia, porcelain, PFM and metal
- Multiple viscosities
What is Bioactivity?Bioactivity is known in the field to equate to stronger bonds between the restoration and tooth, penetration and filling of micro-gaps, reduction in sensitivity, guard against secondary caries, and the sealing of margins against microleakage.
How to Choose the Right ViscosityParkell offers Predicta® Bioactive Core in a variety of viscosity options to best fit your procedures and preferences.
Stackable (High Viscosity):Ideally suited to minimize crown prepping time, when placing larger core build-ups where stackability results in a more centralized core, and less excess in areas that would require removal during prepping.
Flowable (Low Viscosity):Recommended for cases where post cementation and core build-ups are done together. The lower viscosity promotes better canal adaptation and less hydrostatic resistance during seating of the post into the canal.
Both Stackable and Flowable Predicta Core versions are appropriate for, and can be used in all core build-up and post cementation situations. These guideline should be considered an aid when choosing which build-up material more closely matches your needs and preferences.